Here are pics of the venues:

The Pueblo Bar y Taqueria in Helsinki

The Estonian Embassy in Paris

The Maladrerie St-Lazare outside of Beauvais -
in fact a medieval hospital for lepers

The Chaudron Baveur in Beauvais
Among the many fine performers in Beauvais was the stunning trio of Lee Patterson, JonZip and Dave Arcari - Dave of course will be doing two gigs in Estonia with Andres Roots Roundabout in April, and both he and the band will be taking part in the Stompin' At The Savoy festival in Helsinki in a few weeks. Here he is with Lee and JonZip, posing in front of Roundabout's heavy metal dressing room on the festival grounds:

Lee Patterson, Dave Arcari, JonZip in Beauvais.
Next gig: Muddy Waters 99 on April 4th!
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