Monday, October 2, 2023

Finland This Week

Last Wednesday's Riga concert at Atmoda was a blast - photo by Siret Roots. This week will bring three shows in Finland: first, on October 5th, Roots Thursday @ Pub Virasto in Lahti will feature a solo set from Andres Roots plus an acoustic trio set of Muddy and Elmore tunes with Ismo Haavisto & Matias Partanen. 

Friday, October 6th will see a solo concert at Huurupiilo in Tampere, and on Saturday, Andres Roots will appear at the Bluesia Karjaan asemalla festival in Karis, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Karjaa railway station - other acts include Hard Road, Rocking Ede & The Reindeers, and Tähtelän Dynamo. NB! Saturday's showtime is 3 p.m.! 

Banner photo by Indrek Illus. 

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